2BrightSparks SyncBack Pro Keygen 11.2.15 Full Free Serial

2Brightsparks Syncback Pro Keygen is a robust file and folder backup and synchronization program for Windows created by the software company 2BrightSparks. First released in 2003, SyncBackPro Download free aims to provide complete data protection and automated backup capabilities for home and business users.

Some key features and capabilities of SyncBackPro include:

  • Real-time and scheduled backup of files and folders
  • Backup to local disks as well as cloud storage services like Amazon S3
  • Data compression and encryption for secure backups
  • Detailed logging and notifications options
  • Scripting and automation for advanced customization

SyncBackPro Keygen is commercial software with a fully-functional 30-day free trial available. It comes in Free, Pro, and Server editions with the Pro version priced at $54 for a single user license.

Why Use SyncBackPro for Backup?

There are many good reasons to rely on a dedicated backup solution like 2Brightsparks Syncback Pro Keygen rather than basic manual copying. Effective backup software improves data protection and saves time through automation.

2Brightsparks Syncback Pro Keygen

The Importance of Backup

  • Protects against data loss from accidental deletion, disk failures, ransomware, natural disasters, etc.
  • Gives you peace of mind knowing your data is secure
  • Allows you to restore previous versions of files when needed

Benefits of SyncBackPro

  • Easy to configure backup jobs to fit your needs
  • Fast incremental backups that only copy changed files
  • Powerful compression shrinks backup size by up to 90%
  • Military-grade AES encryption secures backups
  • Extensive cloud storage support with account integration
  • Highly customizable backup capabilities using scripts
  • Reliable background backups not interrupting work

Compared to alternatives like Cobian Backup and FreeFileSync, Free download SyncBackPro stands out for its broad feature set, Cloud support, and ease of automation. For comprehensive data protection, SyncBackPro is a leading choice.

Who Should Use 2Brightsparks Syncback Pro Keygen?

2Brightsparks Syncback Pro Full version crack is versatile enough for a variety of environments:

  • Individuals/Home Users – Great for backing up important personal documents, photos, music, and other irreplaceable files. More features than consumer backup tools.
  • IT Professionals – Managed backup of servers, enterprise networks, and remote employee machines. Broad OS and storage support.
  • Businesses – Protect company data including databases, QuickBooks files, virtual machine images. Meet compliance requirements.
  • Tech Enthusiasts – Advanced users who appreciate intricate backup control and automation capabilities.

If you handle sensitive or critical data, SyncBackPro delivers robust data protection capabilities for peace of mind.

How Does SyncBackPro Work?

SyncBackPro Free download gives you complete control over when backups occur, where files are copied, and backup logic.

Real-time vs Scheduled Backups

  • Real-time backup – continuously copies changed files immediately after save. Ensures no data loss.
  • Scheduled backup – runs backup jobs at configured times, like daily or weekly.

File and Folder Copying

  • Backup – copies new and changed files from source to destination. Good for redundancy.
  • Sync – synchronizes two locations so they contain identical files.
  • Restore – copies files from destination back to empty source location.

SyncBackPro keeps track of file versions and revisions so you can restore previous copies and deleted files when needed.

Backup vs Sync

When configuring a backup job, an important choice is using the Backup or Sync mode:

  • Backup – destination only gets new/changed files from source. Destination files aren’t deleted. Safest option.
  • Sync – makes source and destination identical by deleting files not in source. Can cause data loss.

For most backups, the traditional Backup mode is recommended. However Sync mode is useful for keeping two live folders in sync.

Automating Backups

The most powerful benefit of SyncBackPro is automating complex backups so they run reliably in the background.

  • Create backup profiles that store all job settings
  • Configure schedules for unattended daily, weekly, or monthly backups
  • Choose which folders or drives to backup and destination paths
  • Customize filter settings to control which file types are included
  • Specify useful options like versioning, compression, and email reports

With scheduled profiles, you can simply let SyncBackPro automatically handle moving your important files to a backup destination.

SyncBackPro Interface and Usage

SyncBackPro Full version crack offers an intuitive user interface that makes it straight-forward to configure and manage backups.

Dashboard Overview

The dashboard provides at-a-glance details of all profiles and upcoming schedules. Manage and manually run backup jobs from here.

Backup Profiles

Profiles store all settings and configurations for a specific backup job. Create separate profiles for each data source and schedule.

Ease of Use

While extremely powerful under the hood, SyncBackPro offers a simple and clean interface. Settings are well organized and documented. Less technical users will find it more accessible and configurable than many enterprise backup softwares.

Getting Started with SyncBackPro

It’s easy to get up and running with SyncBackPro quickly:

Installation and Activation

  • Download the software from the 2BrightSparks website
  • Install and launch SyncBackPro
  • Enter your license key to activate Pro features
  • Optional: Install available add-ons like cloud storage integrations

Initial Setup

  • When first launching, you will be prompted to create a default profile
  • Choose your backup source, destination, and basic options
  • Schedule daily backups immediately to enable continuous protection

Creating Backup Profiles

  • Create new profiles for each data source you want to backup
  • Configure locations, schedules, filters, and settings
  • Profile wizard simplifies setup with smart recommendations

Within an hour you can already have automated backups configured for your most important folders and peace of mind.

SyncBackPro Settings and Configuration

2Brightsparks Syncback Pro Keygen provides numerous settings to fine tune your backup jobs:

Backup Types

  • SmartSync analyzes file changes needed for faster incremental backups
  • IntelliMirror for instantly swappable drive backups

File Filters

  • Control which file types and folders are included
  • Set filters based on name, date, size, attribute

Compression and Encryption

  • AES encryption secures sensitive backups
  • Compression reduces size up to 90% saving disk space

And many more advanced settings for notifications, versioning, network transfers, cloud accounts, and automation scripts.

Advanced SyncBackPro Features

In additional to basic backup capabilities, SyncBackPro contains advanced functionality:

Cloud Storage Support

  • Backup to cloud services like Amazon S3, Azure, Google Drive
  • Fully integrated for simple cloud account setup
  • Optional add-ons available for providers

Scripting and Automation

  • Create scripts to customize complex backup logic
  • Control file copying, notifications, compression
  • Automate pre/post backup tasks like database shutdown

Disk Imaging Backups

  • Backup entire disk partitions as complete images
  • Bare metal restore support
  • Works alongside file/folder backup

Network and Server Usage

  • Client/server architecture for central management
  • Backup of network shares and remote machines
  • Options for load-balancing, throttling, and notifications

Additional Features

  • Delta file transfer only sends backup changes, saving bandwidth
  • Detailed logging and email reporting
  • File versioning stores deletion history and revisions
  • Plugin extensibility support

These advanced functions make SyncBackPro suitable for demanding enterprise backup needs while also staying accessible for home users.

Using SyncBackPro with the Cloud

SyncBackPro offers seamless integration with many top cloud storage services:

  • Amazon S3 and compatible providers like Wasabi
  • Microsoft OneDrive and Azure Blob Storage
  • Google Drive
  • Dropbox
  • Box, IBM COS, Rackspace – through S3 compatibility

To backup to the cloud:

  1. Install the relevant cloud add-on module
  2. Sign into your cloud account through SyncBackPro
  3. Choose the cloud destination in your backup profile

Cloud backups provide redundancy against local drive failures and offsite protection against disasters like fires and floods destroying on-premise backups.

SyncBackPro Scripting and Automation

For advanced custom backup workflows, SyncBackPro supports scripting and command line control.

Scripts extend SyncBackPro in ways like:

  • Custom pre/post backup tasks e.g. shut down a database
  • Complex file selection logic beyond basic filters
  • Conditional backup actions based on external factors
  • Special compression, encryption, or notifications
  • Integrate with external programs and events

Scripting requires knowledge of the VBScript or JavaScript languages. Comprehensive scripting documentation and examples are available.

Automation scripts allow you to handle just about any advanced backup scenario from directly within SyncBackPro profiles.

Where to Buy SyncBackPro

SyncBackPro can be purchased from:

  • 2BrightSparks – https://www.2brightsparks.com/store.html
  • Amazon – Download or boxed DVD
  • Retailers like NewEgg and Walmart (boxed)


  • Free – Limited version with basic features
  • Pro – $54 for single user license
  • Server – $350 for up to 10 servers

Upgrades to Pro from the free version are available. Server licenses support unlimited destinations.

2Brightsparks Syncback Pro Keygen Free vs Pro

The free version is a great way to try 2Brightsparks Syncback Pro Download free and test basic backup capabilities. However many advanced features are only available in the Pro version:

  • Incremental backups for faster daily runs
  • Compression and encryption
  • Scripting and automation
  • Cloud storage and SFTP support
  • File versioning
  • Delta file transfer
  • Extended retention of deleted files
  • Priority support and updates

For professional environments and maximum data protection, the Pro version is recommended.

2Brightsparks Syncback Pro Keygen

Conclusion and Verdict

In summary, SyncBackPro Keygen delivers one of the most robust and customizable backup solutions available today for Windows. With powerful compression, encryption, versioning capabilities, and cloud integrations, SyncBackPro enables comprehensive protection of your important data.

For advanced home users, IT professionals, and SMBs seeking fine-tuned control over backup workflows, SyncBackPro is a top choice. The extensive features combined with ease of use make it our recommended backup utility for both beginners and experts.

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