Ef Autosync Serial key 24.01 Free Full Activated

Entity Framework is a popular ORM in .NET that enables developers to work with databases using .NET objects. The database first approach with EF involves first designing the database schema, then having EF generate model classes from it. Doing this model generation manually can be time consuming and tedious. This is where the open source tool Ef Autosync Serial key comes in very handy!

Ef Autosync Download free automatically generates EF model classes, context, and mapping code from an existing database schema. This saves huge amounts of development time and allows you to use EF’s Code First syntax while still designing the database first.

What is Ef Autosync Serial key?

Ef Autosync Full version crack is an open source code generator for Entity Framework that scans a database schema and automatically generates EF models, context class, and mapping code. It allows using a database first approach but with EF Code First syntax.

Here are some key facts about Ef Autosync Serial key:

  • Created by Pawel Kadluczka and maintained by the community
  • Works with Entity Framework 5, 6, and Core
  • Supports SQL Server, MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQLite and others
  • Model generation is customizable via T4 templates

Some of the key benefits Free download Ef Autosync provides include:

  • Huge time savings – Automatically generates all models rather than hand coding them
  • Handles complex schemas – Easily maps foreign keys, junction tables, etc.
  • Customization – T4 templates allow tweaking model generation
  • Database first development – Use EF Code First with existing databases
  • Productivity boost – Make schema changes without manually updating models
Ef Autosync Serial key

How Ef Autosync Works

The process Free download Ef Autosync Serial key uses to generate EF model code from a database is:

  1. Point it at a database connection
  2. Scan schema and tables
  3. Use T4 templates to generate model classes, context, and mapping code
  4. Output C# model classes representing each database table
  5. Further tweak models and add logic as needed

The T4 templating gives full control over how models are generated. For example, you can specify naming conventions, handle many-to-many relationships, configure primary/foreign keys, and more.

Advanced customization can be done by modifying the T4 templates themselves. This allows outputting models exactly how you want.

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Installing and Configuring Ef Autosync Serial key

Using Ef Autosync Download free involves a few simple steps:

  1. Install NuGet package
  2. Add EfAutoSync.tt configuration file
  3. Update connection string
  4. Customize T4 templates (optional)
  5. Run generator

Next create a EfAutoSync.tt file in your project. This houses the configuration settings. Specify your database connection string and provider type here.

The default T4 templates will generate POCO model classes. You can modify templates like EntityClass.tt to customize how models are output.

Now run the EfAutoSync.tt file to execute the code generation!

Generating Models from the Database

With Ef Autosync configured, generating model classes is simple:

  • Run EfAutoSync.tt file

This will scan the entire database schema and generate a model class for each table.

The output code includes:

  • Model classes representing tables
  • Entity Framework context class
  • Mapping code between models and database

Foreign keys, indexes, and other constraints are all automatically handled.

You can tweak the model classes to add validation, logic, nested classes, or whatever is needed for your app.

Using the Models in Entity Framework

To start using the generated models:

  • Reference EfAutoSync context from EF code
  • Query models to get data
  • Insert/update models to save data
  • Relate models together for navigation properties

For example:

// Query context for customers
var customers = context.Customers.ToList(); 

// Insert new customer
var customer = new Customer();

The models can be used just like hand written EF models. The difference is they were auto generated from the database!

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Maintaining Models When Schema Changes

A huge benefit of Full version crack Ef Autosync is that when the database schema changes, updating models is a breeze.

Here is the process:

  • Make schema changes in database
  • Re-run EfAutoSync.tt generator
  • Get updated models in seconds!

Some best practices include:

  • Commit models to source control before regenerating
  • Diff the updated model code to see changes
  • Test application works with new models

This makes evolving a database schema while using EF much smoother.

Pros and Cons of Ef Autosync


  • Huge time savings generating models automatically
  • Handles complex database schemas easily
  • Useful for managing existing databases
  • Customizable model generation via templates
  • Easily update models when schema changes


  • Less control compared to hand coding all models
  • Harder to customize complex mappings
  • More difficult to manage schema migrations
  • Still some manual tweaking of models needed

So in summary, Ef Autosync provides big productivity gains from auto generating models. It’s extremely useful for database first development with EF.

Ef Autosync Serial key


Ef Autosync Serial keyautomates the busy work of creating Entity Framework models from an existing database schema. It enables using EF Code First development while still designing the database up front.

Key benefits include massive time savings, handling complex schemas, keeping models in sync with changes, and customization via T4 templating.

There is less control over models compared to manual creation. But overall Ef Autosync Full version crack dramatically speeds up working with database first EF development.

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